Take Action

1. Send a protest letter to President & CEO of TIAA-CREF Roger Ferguson


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2. Volunteer to Leaflet

Please contact the organizing department of the NYC District Council of Carpenters to help distribute the TIAA-CREF leaflet, "TIAA-CREF: Construction Sweatshops, Tobacco and Killer Coke" brochure. Contact organizer Michael Donnelly at MDonnelly@nycdistrictcouncil.org.

3. Volunteer to Banner

Please contact the organizing department of the NYC District Council of Carpenters to carry our 17 foot banners exposing perpetrators of Construction Sweatshops. Contact organizer Michael Donnelly at MDonnelly@nycdistrictcouncil.org.

TIAA-CREF Roger Ferguson Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops