About Us

The New York City District Council of Carpenters has partnered with Corporate Campaign, Inc. to develop the Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops.

The goal of this innovative and ambitious effort is to secure justice for carpenters and other construction workers in New York City & Vicinity, our nation's construction capital.

To protect workers in the construction industry, we are fighting for the principle that requires owners, developers, investors and general contractors on large construction projects to use responsible contractors and subcontractors. Responsible contractors and subcontractors are those with a documented history of providing area-standard wages and benefits, including health insurance and pensions; who participate in New York State Dept. of Labor certified apprenticeship programs, and who respect workers' rights to speak up against safety concerns and arbitrary, capricious or abusive treatment without fear of retaliation especially in the form of suspensions without pay, terminations and blacklisting.

TIAA-CREF Roger Ferguson Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops